Friday, June 21, 2013

TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders are characteristic of problems with the jaw joint which can cause pain around the ear, jaw and surrounding facial muscles when chewing or moving the mouth.  The TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) acts as a hinge that connects the jaw bone to the temporal bone. This Joint makes it possible for the jaw to move up, down, and side to side so that one can speak, yawn, chew, etc. Muscles attaching to this joint are what govern the movement and placement of the jaw.

The TMJ is controlled by over 3,000 brain cells. Information coming and going from the brain to the body can be impeded here if the joint is imbalanced. This means that when someone has a TMJ disorder not only is it common to have pain, but it is also common for people to experience lingering symptoms of issues no longer threatening to the body such as pain, stress, and prolonged recovery from wounds.

Symptoms of a TMJ disorder vary from mild to severe and include headache, jaw or ear pain that can spread to the face, and pain or difficulty when chewing,  yawning, or opening the mouth widely. Rare instances include 'lock jaw.' Earaches, pain, and dizziness with no infection present are also possible symptoms of TMJ disorder. A wound that wont heal can be sign to check the TMJ.

The major causes of TMJ disorders are:
*Clenching or grinding teeth
*Allergy foods
*Dislocation of the soft disc in the joint

The common priorities for healing are related to emotional, nutritional and structural causes. Anger and resentment are responsible for causing one to clench their jaw and tighten facial muscles which makes the TMJ tighten. To treat related emotional stress a Kalos process is recommended, or your favorite stress relieving technique can be used. Long term stress and chronic emotional upsets can require deep subconscious stress release techniques as used in Kalos or other therapies. Clearing anger, resentment and frustration can be en effective way to reset the TMJ if it is an emotional cause.

Nutritional corrections are as simple as removing allergy foods from one's diet or checking for a calcium deficiency, which is most common with TMJ disorders. The main allergens can be avoided according to blood type. However, muscle response testing or allergy testing can be used to determine specific and unique allergy foods for each individual. Typically, O blood types are allergic to gluten, soy, and dairy. A blood types can be most allergic to chemicals and pesticides. And B blood types can vary between O and A allergens. Again, simply removing the allergy foods that cause the TMJ to tighten can be productive in allowing it to reset itself into proper position.

Structural techniques to correct
the TMJ can be performed by a chiropractor or by a Kalos Health Facilitator. The difference is in the application of a correction. A chiropractor is licensed to do manual muscle and bone corrections, and a Kalos Health Facilitator is certified to perform lay-person techniques. Both are effective. This is often required with TMJ disorders resulting from injury or extended dental procedures where the mouth is open wide for long periods of time.

The spiritual priority relating to TMJ disorders is to relax and trust divine timing in you life. Trust can come with surrender to a higher purpose in your life. Being content and patient are key to relaxation. Contentment and patience are both related to not being anxious about anything, to live in the present moment and to accept people and situations as they are.