Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thymus & Subtle Energy

The thymus gland, along with every other organ and atom of our physical makeup, is being considered in a new framework known as the Einsteinian paradigm, which considers human beings to be 'networks of complex energy fields that interface with physical/cellular systems' (Vibrational Medicine, Richard Gerber, Ch.1, pg 39). This view is new to the West, but has dominated Eastern medicine and religion since ancient times. According to Eastern practice, and now the Einsteinian  paradigm, the thymus gland is a connection between mind and body. It is the first organ to be affected by stress, shrinking to half it's size in 24 hours from the onset of physical or mental upset. The thymus is responsible for producing T cells (T for thymus), the cells that 'interrogate' all other cells in order to fight off any unwanted, or abnormal cells, such as cancer. These T cells ensure our health and vitality as they only allow 'normal' cells to be reproduced in the body. If an abnormal cell, such as cancer, infiltrates the body and the T cells are not able to detect it, the abnormal cell can reproduce itself and multiply in the system, creating disease. Dr. Valerie Seeman Gersch identifies the thymus directly with one's will to live, as the thymus functions to maintain optimum health. In order to ensure the proper function of T cells, we need to maintain the health of the thymus gland. Maintaining the health of the thymus gland is simpler than you might think.

When both hemispheres of the brain are functioning together, we call this cerebral balance, or being centered. To remain centered at all times is our ideal state of being. When we are 'thrown off' center, or negatively stimulated, our brain literally disconnects and begins to operate independently from it's other half, causing a dyslexic state. When we are positively stimulated, the opposite happens. The thymus gland has been found to be directly related to cerebral balance, both being affected by cerebral balance and also affecting right and left brain integration.  Research in the connection between thymus function and cerebral balance signifies the importance of maintaining, or producing, positive stimuli to greatly benefit us in the prevention and recovery from disease. Tapping the thymus (breastbone), has also been studied and proven, by Dr. John Diamond, to increase thymus function and the will to live.

Here are some examples of positive stimuli that have been proven to promote thymus function:
-Relaxing music
-Pure clothing materials, such as hemp, cotton, and silk
-Good posture
-Positive attitude/contentment/joy/trust/optimism
-Healthy diet/organic fruits, veggies, and grains
-Ph balanced water/ionized water
-Positive physical and social environments

Here are some examples of negative stimuli that have been proven to retard thymus function:
-Rock music, because it contains the anapestic beat (da-da-DA) which brings psychological and physiological stress, and by promoting the body's production of adrenalin, and cortisol
-Synthetic fibers in clothing
-Sunglasses (produces weakness of thymus gland)
-High heel shoes
-Ice water
-Chemically based toiletries (perfume, shampoo, deodorant)
-Poor posture
-Negative attitude/stress/worry/guilt/anger
-Processed foods/junk food/sugar/salt
-Distilled water
-Negative physical and social environments