Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I believe, whenever you make a decision to put something into your body that there is a subconscious motivation of either fully loving yourself or not. With this in mind, the subtle energy influencing our physical body is either for us or against us. So, as with anything else, whatever your reasons are for consuming caffeine, this is the energy you will be activating through its consumption that will eventually have it's positive or negative influence on the physical body.

For years, the health risks and benefits of caffeine have been debated. As caffeine is likely the most consumed stimulant, this debate is far from over. What we do know about caffeine can help us make personal choices that benefit our health individually, as we each are in unique states of health with separate agendas. So, in considering caffeine as neither good nor bad, and simply identifying its properties and effects on the body, with the discernment of self-preservation (at whatever level you might be addressing your health), you can decide if it is something you will consume.

Some of Caffeine's Health Risks and Benefits:

Caffeine boosts memory* by showing increased activity in brain regions associated with attention and short-term memory.

Caffeine exacerbates kidney failure, aka renal failure*, and can cause liver damage when taken orally. Although, very positive effects have been recorded of coffee enemas* for liver detoxification and colon cleansing.

Caffeine has been attributed to weight control and weight loss since it increases metabolism for hours after it is consumed. Although, especially in obese persons (who are already at risk for diabetes), caffeine prevents sugar (glucose) metabolism* by inhibiting insulin function, and can contribute to the development and poor management of type 2 diabetes.

Caffeine can ward off depression* and social anxiety by increasing dopamine in the brain. However, it also increases cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline), among other stress inducing hormones that increase the 'fight or flight' response, and puts stress on the body.

Caffeine leeches calcium* from bones, and inhibits the absorption of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and trace minerals through it's diuretic* nature (causing short-term increases in urination). Calcium is the mineral needed for strong bones, and caffeine consumption can contribute to the onset of osteoporosis, a brittle bone disease.

Caffeine is acidic* and can adversely affect digestion and create heartburn and lead to ulcers.

Caffeine can improve physical performance through enhancing endurance and speed. Also, when caffeine is ingested with carbohydrates, it increases muscle glycogen* quicker than exercise. Although, it also negatively affects the adrenals with habitual use (since it forces them to do what they could not do on their own), and can lead to adrenal exhaustion, inflammation, autoimmunity, fatigue, and premature aging. It elevates heart rate, blood pressure, and the risk for heart disease and heart failure.

Caffeine can assist in reducing the beta amyloid plaques* in people with Alzheimer's.

Caffeine is linked to miscarriages, infertility, PMS, and low birth rates in babies. It also can promote fibroid growth* (fibrocystic breast disease) in women, especially if on birth control or hormones, which may or may not become cancerous.

Caffeine can increase hair growth* in balding men and women, but you must drink at least 60 cups a day ;)